Friday, April 27, 2007

Baylands Community Visioning Workshop 5/12

A reminder that at 10:00 am on Saturday, May 12th, a Baylands Community Visioning Workshop is scheduled to take place at the Community Center (below the Brisbane Library). This is the time for you to speak your mind regarding one of the largest undeveloped tracts of urban land on the San Francisco Peninsula. Plan on being there.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Life in the Bike Lane

Life in the Bike Lane

After a lengthy application process with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the City is proud to announce that it has received a $550,000 state grant for a capital improvement project. This project will bring a bikeway to the City, to be located on the shoulder of Bayshore, from Guadalupe Canyon Pkwy to the southern City limit (just north of the US-101 on-ramp). This project was first approved by the City Council on December 5, 2005, having successfully met the following Council goals:

  • “To design infrastructure and public facilities to be efficient, cost effective and to contribute to the cohesion and character of the community.” (#2)
  • “To maintain and improve infrastructure.” (#3)
  • “To promote transportation opportunities that maximize safety, reliability, enhance circulation and create options thereby reducing reliance on the use of the automobile.” (#5)

The project was then reviewed by the City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG), wherein it demonstrated a proper conceptualization and fulfillment of the criteria identified in the application. The end result was a high numerical score, followed by the decision of the C/CAG Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee electing to grant the City of Brisbane $550,000, and the ability to begin construction of a bikeway that will hopefully allow for wheels and feet to become more viable forms of alternative transportation.


Speaking of ways to not only be more health-conscious, but also to develop a more healthy environment, come lend a hand tomorrow as the Open Space and Ecology Committee (OSEC) and Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission (PB&R) co-sponsor an Earth Day event at Quarry Road Park, from 8am – 12 noon. Don’t let it pass you by!

Friday, April 13, 2007

April is National Earthquake Preparedness Month

Worldwide, each year there are about 18 earthquakes of magnitude 6.7 or greater.

If a major earthquake struck in your area today, you might be without direct assistance for up to 72 hours. Therefore, the City has dedicated this month's "Current/Newsworthy Issue" of its Office of Emergency Services (OES) page to providing you with relevant information on several things you can do to prepare your home and family for the next earthquake. Check out the "Useful Links" section for a list of websites that have been carefully selected for you to peruse. But the most important thing is that you take Let's all make a coordinated effort to protect ourselves and our loved ones so that we can be ready for when the next big one hits.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Upcoming Community-wide Events Not to be Missed!

A friendly reminder that this coming Monday 4/9 will be the Joint City Council and Planning Commission Kick-Off Meeting for the Baylands Project Alternatives at the Community Center, 7:30 pm. Take some time to peruse the Agenda for Monday's meeting and come prepared to learn all about land use, building heights and density, transportation, open space, and sustainability as they relate to the Bayland Alternatives Project. In addition, you'll hear the perspectives of your Councilmembers and Commissioners regarding their vision for the Baylands.

Also, OSEC and PB&R are co-sponsoring an Earth Day event at Quarry Road Park on April 21, 8am - 12 noon. Plan to be there, as many hands make light work!