Saturday’s Road Closure – Glen Park Way, between San Bruno and San Benito will be closed this Saturday, 9/8 between 7:00 AM and 2:00 PM to allow for
Habitat for Humanity’s 100th Home Dedication Ceremony.
Come and enjoy what’s to be a fun and exciting morning (start time is 10:00 AM), with Spencer Christian emceeing the event.
Parking and shuttle services to and from Glen Park Way will be provided by City Hall, located at:
50 Park Place, Brisbane.
Tunnel Ave. Bridge – Demolition work over the Caltrain railroad tracks, like previous operations there, will only be allowed to occur at night.
The contractor is scheduled to perform demolition activities over the track for three weekends, September 14
th through 16
th, 21
st through 23
rd, and October 5
th through 7
th, generally between the hours of 11: 00 PM and 7:00 AM
They will also work during the day for the week of September 24
th through 28
th and the week of October 1
st through 5
Operations such as jackhammering are expected to generate some noise.
In order to help you still get a good night’s rest, ear plugs will be available at the City Hall Public Works Counter.
The City staff again thanks you for your patience during this crucial phase of the project and the last expected nighttime noise disturbance.
Note: Once demolition is complete, the contractor will then be able to complete the grading, paving and concrete work on the east side of the bridge. So, expect the bridge to still look like a construction site through October as the sidewalks and bike lanes are installed on the east side of the bridge. The finished product will be unveiled in early November, with the City to hold a grand opening ceremony. Stay tuned!
Controlling Spartina Growth at the Lagoon – James, from San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement (on contract with the Invasive Spartina Project group), has been for the last two weeks helping to prevent the spread of the non-native cordgrass, Spartina. First introduced in the South Bay as a means to prevent erosion with its dense, mat-like growth formation, stands of the Spartina cordgrass have become established in areas of San Francisco Bay, as well as along the shoreline of the Brisbane Lagoon.

To prevent choking of the tidal mudflats, which are essential feeding and nesting grounds for bird and fish species, treating the cordgrass with an approved herbicide was a step that the San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project saw that it needed to take, in order for the Bay Area's native ecosystem to be preserved. Our community is fortunate in that the Brisbane Lagoon was one of the sites treated early on, and thus, it is highly probable that there will be very few Spartina cordgrass growing in the Lagoon in the coming year...and that its natural habitat will be restored.