There is an intensive coordinating effort being headed up by the San Francisco Country Transportation Authority to evaluate potential transportation improvements on the San Francisco/San Mateo county border. This long-range transporation study is being referred to as the
Bi-County Transportation Study, which will be published in Spring 2009. The multi-agency approach for the Study will incorporate the feedback received at a couple different community workshops scheduled to soon take place. The first of these workshops will be taking place tomorrow, Weds. Nov. 5th, at Bret Harte Elementary School in San Francisco from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Wednesday's workshop will be followed by a second event in Visitacion Valley in early December at Visitacion Valley Elementary School.
Your input at these workshops is
imperative. Community workshop participants will also have the opportunity to learn more about potential development projects in the area, as well as offer feedback on the proposed transportation projects. The Transportation Authority will be joined by representatives from the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County, the San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Economic & Workforce Development, the City of Brisbane, the City of Daly City, the San Francisco Planning Department, the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, the San Francisco Department of Public Works, the San Mateo County Transportation Authority, the San Mateo County Transit District, the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Authority, and the California Department of Transportation. For more information about the Study, or background information on the SFCTA, please visit
Don't forget to exercise your civic duty -
GET OUT & VOTE today! Polls close at 8:00 pm, so if you haven't already done so, get yourself to the Community Center (250 Visitacion Ave.) and make sure your vote gets cast, and your voice heard.