Monday, March 30, 2009
Not Quite the Ripple Effect We Wanted
Friday, March 27, 2009
Hoping for a Ripple Effect
The total cost of the package is $787 billion, with ARRA funds investments in many programs, including health care, infrastructure, education, and public safety. The City right now is making a concentrated effort to apply for these funds in the areas Police and Fire.

Friday, March 20, 2009
Here's the Story...

- multiple State grants were awarded for the design and construction of the bike lane, the first of which staff worked on back in 2005?
- the bike lane was created out of 3 alternatives made by transportation consultants, Fehr and Peers, in conjunction with a working group which consisted of the City, the Brisbane Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Bicycle Solutions, the City of South San Francisco, and other local biking organizations, such as Genentech employees that take Bayshore to bike to work?
- you canNOT make any lane changes right after exiting Bayshore from 101 going northbound (crossing over double white lanes warrants a citation) make sure you wait until you reach the Brisbane city limits sign to do so!
- the Ride-A-Way bike lane coating from Integrated Paving Concepts, Inc. is a highly specialized coating with minimal water absorption and increased friction properties, making it skid and slip resistant and able to retain its original color.
- the bike lane has been blogged about already? Check this out, from
2009 Brisbane Summer Camp
And in other Brisbane news, registration for Summer Camp will be opening exclusively to Brisbane residents this coming Tuesday, March 24th at 9:00am! So be sure to enroll your child EARLY, as spots always fill up quickly once priority registration ends and registration begins for non-residents, starting April 7th. Click here to explore more about the always highly-anticipated Summer Camp program and to register online (no phone registrations please). For additional registration questions, you can call Nancy at 508-2140. For additional program information, please call Russ Carmick at 508-2143.

Monday, March 16, 2009
Orange Flags on Visitacion
Friday, March 13, 2009
Bolstering, and Upholstering, Power
* * * *

And...say there is no power? Well, if you had an Emergency Preparedness Kit, you'd be all the
- City Hall has emergency preparedness kits at the Public Works/OES Counter for $52.00.
- A local Brisbane Company specializes in Emergency Preparedness and Supplies; if you are interested in purchasing emergency kits in bulk for your business/home/employees you can contact Med Life Services at (415) 468-8733.
- If you are interested in creating your own emergency preparedness kit, follow the Ready Campaign's Emergency Preparedness Supply Kit Checklist. Remember to always customize your emergency kit to your specific needs by using the "Additional Items to consider" checklist.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Police Lobby - Coming Soon to a City Hall Near You
We thank you for your continued patience as the remodel progresses to a good ending, and look forward to more parking and a Police lobby at City Hall come Monday, the 16th!
Friday, March 06, 2009
FYP - For Your Protection

A Fire Captain from CAL Fire helping to oversee the crew: Mark Lee, NCFA Safety Inspector arriving at the site with Leland Simmons from Brisbane Dept. of Public Works behind him. Public Works has helped tremendously with the efforts, from chipping branches to dropping gravel on areas made muddy by the rains.
Gathering non-native brush such as scotch broom and arranging them in piles for chipping or controlled burning after they've dried:
Wood such as that seen here is available to the public! Feel free to pick some up like the SF Zoo did. They were looking for specific Eucalyptus limbs to use for the building of their koala exhibit and found them in Brisbane.
You can see the close proximity of the brush to the homes on Trinity and why a 100-ft. firebreak was needed in order for them to be better protected:
They say that anything of value takes effort. In this case the effort is making a noticeable difference.
Work will continue on the construction of the firebreak as long as crews from Ben Lomond are available. Currently, over half of the project has been completed. If you haven't yet, go up to Trinity and check out all the progress that's been made already. Again, this project would not have been possible without the collective efforts of CAL Fire, North County Fire Authority, San Mateo Co. Parks, and our very own Brisbane Public Works Crew! Kudos to all!
Also, FYP...please do NOT use the fields when they are muddy due to them being slippery and wet. The City has a field use policy for this reason and to ensure they can be properly maintained - using the field when it's still muddy results in hunks of sod being ripped out. Groups who regularly use any of the athletic fields (BES, Lipman, or Mission Blue) are to first obtain a field use permit from the Parks and Recreation Dept. If you should observe any groups using the fields when they are still muddy, please contact the Brisbane Police Dept. at 467-1212. Thank you for your assistance in keeping Brisbane a safe place to live, work, and play!