Photo courtesy of Thomas Y. Wang
The 6th Annual Habitat Restoration Day is here! The City, in partnership with San Bruno Mountain Watch, invites the community to join in on a community stewardship workday tomorrow, April 18th, 8:00am-12 noon. Bring family, friends, and neighbors to Firth Park (Glen Parkway & Sierra Pt.) and celebrate Earth Day together by removing invasive plants and helping restore the canyon's native habitat. Please remember to wear work clothes and sturdy shoes; bring gloves if you have them. Tools and training will be provided, as well as free snacks and t-shirts for volunteers (while supplies last). All ages and abilities welcome!
One of the items on this Monday's (4/20) City Council agenda is a revised proposed tree replanting on San Mateo Lane. At the Council's Feb. 2nd meeting, staff was directed to seek input from the California Native Plant Society (CNPS), as the originally-proposed replanting plan drew some concern from citizens in attendance. This plan suggested that the 16 formerly-

removed Eucalyptus trees be replaced with five 15-gallon Coast Live Oak, five 15-gallon Gallon Scarlet Oak, and four 15-gallon Flowering Cherry. The public called for native trees such as buckeye to be considered, with Councilmembers advising staff to consult with those having expertise in the area. Staff followed that directive, consulting with the CNPS as well as a group of community members. It was determined through these meetings that the replanting plan would consist of an equal number of two native trees - seven 5-gallon Coast Live Oak (seen above) and 7 five-gallon

California Buckeye (seen to the right). (The reason for the smaller trees is due to the trees being locally-sourced, as opposed to coming from a commercial nursery). CNPS recommended the trees be locally-sourced due to the replanting site being so close to the ones we have presently growing on San Bruno Mtn. Specifically, a Coast Live Oak from a commercial nursery may have a different genetic makeup from one found on San Bruno Mtn., potentially impacting the local population in a negative way. The City thanks those who participated in this revised replanting plan for their efforts in helping ensure a more native ecology is restored in town.
In these hard economic times, restoration is needed more than ever for businesses, but local governments are also faced with financial challenges. One of the ways the City of Brisbane has helped combat this issue, while maximizing efficiency and reducing financial cost, is through various efforts to share management services. The City is currently engaged with the Cities of Daly City and Pacifica to share Fire Department Management Services and previously was in contract with the City of Millbrae for shared a shared Police Chief. Continuing with this approach, the City's Parks & Recreation Director, Jim Skeels, will be shared with the City of Burlingame on a 50% cost and time basis. Not only will this result in a reduction in management and overhead costs, it will allow Jim an opportunity to learn from another agency, making sure best practices are continually employed in Brisbane.

And lastly, the City Council on Monday received the draft report on public space planning at the Baylands from Peter Dangermond, President of The Dangermond Group. There was a great turnout to the meeting by the community, but if you happened to miss Peter's presentation, it is posted on the City's website and can be viewed by clicking
here. It was through an extensive community-based process that the observations and recommendations made for the various regions seen in the presentation took shape. And it will be this process that continues as planning for the restoration of this land progresses forward.