Tonight, though, you'll want to take your chances on getting a little wet. Because as you make your way into Mission Blue Center (475 Mission Blue Dr.), you'll be greeted by Brisbane Elementary School students who have helped organize a pasta feed (complete with live music and a cake/pie auction!), with all funds going directly to Beyond Borders Haitian relief efforts. There is no charge, but the suggested donation for a delicious regular or veggie pasta dinner (thanks to BiRite Foods and Pasta Pomodoro
for supplying their tasty garlic bread!) is $10/adults and $5/kids under 12. Homemade cakes and pies will be auctioned off, so you've got a recipe you've been waiting to try, it's time to get baking! The event starts at 6pm and goes until 8pm. If you're not able to stay, swing by for pasta "take out" and do your individual part to Help Heal Haiti.
And don't forget about the crab & spaghetti feed taking place on January 30th, hosted by Jefferson High School's Athletic Department. All tickets were sold out last year, so be sure to call Barbara Hermasillo at (650) 550-7775 to put yours on will call.
With that, have a safe and (mostly) dry weekend!!
Come and be a part of the discussion on Tuesday as the City Council works to ensure a balanced future for Brisbane.
You may have noticed recently your tap water appearing cloudy or milky-white in color. This is due to there being tiny air bubbles in the water. Since the Hetch Hetchy System has been under construction (and will be until February 20, 2010), the City is receiving its water from the Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant. When the water enters the transmission and distribution pipes, it becomes pressurized, and holds more air. The water depressurizes when it comes out of your tap, with the air coming out of the solution in the form of bubbles - much like a carbonated soft drink. If you can wait a couple minutes, let your glass of water sit on the counter and the air bubbles will leave, allowing you to enjoy a clear and refreshing glass of quality drinking water. Should you have any questions, please contact the City of Brisbane Public Works Office at 508-2130 or visit http://www.sfwater.org/.
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