It's become a tradition a Shakespearean play comes to Brisbane. This year marks the 6th annual performance by the San Francisco Shakespeare Festival, sponsored by the Brisbane Women’s Club. This year’s performance, The Tempest, has been regarded as the pinnacle of Shakespeare’s dramatic output. Widely believed to be his final and most autobiographical play, it utilizes the wisdom and understanding gained from a career as a highly regarded dramatist.
The story captures the essence of the human condition with its compelling and timeless themes. Forgiveness versus revenge, good versus evil, freedom versus captivity, and youthful impetuousness contrasted with aged wisdom are just some of the ideas that Shakespeare illuminates with his powerful and poetic storytelling skills. It's a true delight that the Fall 2010 tour of The Tempest will soon be here in Brisbane!
The production is professionally directed and suitable for elementary students through adults. Five highly-skilled actors in costume, with set, props, and recorded music will be performing a 55-minute production of The Tempest at Mission Blue Center on Sunday, October 24th at 2pm. There is NO ADMISSION CHARGE for the performance, so mark your calendar don't want to miss this once-a-year-only event!
If you haven't already checked out the farmers' market at the Cow Palace, this Saturday may be a good time to do so.
There will be a free bag giveaway and at approximately 9am, Assemblywoman Fiona Ma will be conducting a press conference on the benefits of buying from your local farmers' market. Take this opportunity to pick up some fabulous, fresh produce and perhaps even a bag of freshly-popped kettlecorn!
In the market for buying a new house? They say now is the best time to do so, but it's important you get your research done first. And on Saturday, Sept. 11th, there's a way to do just that. The Bay Area Homebuyer Agency (BAHBA), in conjunction with the cities of Brisbane, Daly City, Pacifica, and South San Francisco, invite you to attend a Free Homebuyer Seminar at Terrabay Recreation Center in SSF. The event starts at 9am and goes until 2pm; reservations are required. To learn more about the event and to register online, please click here.