Friday, December 28, 2007
Nothing is for Certain...but Change Itself
First, it can be said that our small town is not immune to the the larger economy. And with all three of our major revenue sources (sales, property and hotel taxes) all experiencing slower growth rates in the past few years, revenues to the City have in turn remained relatively flat. The recent housing slump and mortgage crises have also attributed to the City's current need to address its financial issues. Thus, City Council and staff will be developing plans to prioritize and reorganize operations in order for the community's needs to be met, and its values upheld.
To solicit community input and discuss the impacts of potential changes in programs, the City Council will be holding public workshops during the spring. In the next few years, the City will be seeking to reduce its expenditures by an anticipated $1.6m (with as much as $2m for fiscal years 2009-2011). In the meantime, if you have any thoughts or comments, please drop them here, and be sure to check back for survey questions that will forthcoming. This feedback from the community will be of utmost importance when it comes time for the actual planning and decision-making process to commence.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Star Light, Star Bright

Just a friendly reminder that City Hall will be closing at noon on 12/24 and all-day on the 25th. Similarly, we'll be closing at 12:00 p.m. next Monday the 31st, and all-day on New Year's Day. Enjoy the time spent with friends and family!
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Wisdom of Crowds
Brisbane is no different. Though small in size, the city is one that has long been known to be environmentally-progressive. And it expects to continue being just that. This coming Monday, 12/17, the City Council will be voting on adopting its own Green Building Ordinance, which will impose mandatory green building standards for certain real estate development projects. We encourage the community to come and be a part of yet another way the city is pursuing opportunities to protect natural resources and to preserve the unique and current character of Brisbane.
Friday, December 07, 2007
A Holiday Tradition Done Right

This year, the Holiday Tree took on a whole new level of luminosity with the use of blue and white LED lights. LEDs last 10x longer and save 30% more energy than incandescent bulbs, and also produce more light per watt. The result? Well in our case, an even more glowing and radiant Holiday Tree than in years past, itself a picture of the City’s goal to be both environmentally responsible, as well as ever-mindful of how to cut down on expenditures. The Holiday Tree, then, can be an example of how the same level of services (if not better) can be provided to the community…by just being a little more creative in how we choose to implement them.

Friday, November 30, 2007
Many Hands Make Light Work

(2) Help light up the town by turning on your holiday star. Then, be sure to join in on the festivities commencing Sunday night at 5:30 p.m. with the 21st Annual Festival of Lights. Caroling begins at 5:30 at the top of Visitacion @ Klamath, with the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony and entertainment beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Park.

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thankful, In All Circumstances

We'd like to take this time to update you on the Cosco Busan Oil Spill which took place Nov. 8th in the San Francisco Bay. Stated in a press update, released today from the San Mateo County Office of Emergency Services, "Experts are anticipating that this week's seasonally high tides may sweep more tar balls onto our shores in places where they may not have been found previously, and that the combination of sunny weather and the Thanksgiving holiday will likely draw many visitors to San Mateo County beaches." The San Mateo County Health Department's Division of Environmental Health (SMCDEH) considers the risk to human health to be low, but if you or your family is planning a visit, please click here for safety tips offered by the County to beach goers.
With that, may you all have a safe and enjoyable holiday!
Friday, November 16, 2007
If you REALLY want to know...

If you would like e-mailed agendas for upcoming City Council meetings, please let City Clerk Sheri Schroeder know by sending her an e-mail at requesting to be added to the distribution list.
Friday, November 09, 2007
SF Bay Oil Spill
Brisbane City staff have been participating in San Mateo County Office of Emergency Services (SMC OES) conference calls to monitor the spill’s movement and to pre-order containment materials that will be deployed, should the spill move towards Brisbane. SMC OES is participating in Regional OES conference calls, and has also deployed a district coordinator to the Oil Spill Command Post (a Unified Command consisting of the Coast Guard, CA Dept. of Fish and Game and others established to respond to this emergency). Additionally, the SMC OES has their boat and plane mobilized to provide first-hand, dedicated reconnaissance to address any of the spill's movements.
Oil Spill Reporting:
Oiled Wildlife Reporting Hotline: 877-823-6926
Oil Sighting and Claims: 888-850-8486
Public Info Hotline & Media Inquiries: 415-399-7305
Volunteers have not been requested for clean-up operations or wildlife rescue. Please see Oiled Wildlife Care Network concerning this matter. Also, if you see an oiled animal, please do not approach it or touch it, as even the fumes can cause dizziness in high concentrations. Call 877-UCD-OWCN instead.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
A Smashing Dedication Ceremony for Tunnel Ave. Bridge
Friday, November 02, 2007
What's Shakin'?

Monday, October 29, 2007
Update on our Firefighters
Our firefighters are going on Day 10 in SoCal, but fortunately, the entire Northern San Mateo County Strike Team is being assigned to a required rest period today. Tomorrow, they will be sent to a staging area in San Diego County, as excess resources at the Poomacha/Mt. Palomar Fire. There are still several areas burning in Southern California, and it is yet to be determined where the critical resource needs are most necessary. Hopefully our guys will be able to demobilize and come home soon.
Also…if you haven’t already noticed, there’s been a fire truck parked outside the Community Pool Monday – Thursday mornings. The firefighters have been lending their time, helping to ensure that the pool can continue operating at full staff and able to run as smoothly as possible. They’re committed to do so until November 8th, or until the pool is fully staffed. So...if you happen to spot one of them the next time you’re up swimming laps, be sure to show your gratitude!
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Best Things in Life Are Free
Originally, the strike team was sent to San Diego County to fight the Harris Fire. Since then they have been moved around to various fires throughout San Diego County as their orders change to reflect where they are needed for structure protection. Our guys are reported to be doing well, just tired from the week they have been down there. There’s no word yet as to when the crew will be able to return back, but given the scale of the fires still raging, it could be anywhere from 7 to 14 days before they are able to return home. We hope it’s more so the former, but know they’ll stay for however long it takes to see that the job gets done. Click here for a status map of the LA and SD fires.
It goes without saying that it takes a huge amount of bravery and fearlessness for these guys to do what they do, but these guys definitely have it. We hope to see them back home and safe soon.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me
This blog is officially a year old. But in lieu of cake, cookies, and all things cream-filled, our wish is for you, as part of the Brisbane community, to present us with any comments on how we're doing. Do you feel that the blog is serving its purpose of being a resource for timely community information? Also, are there any items you'd like to see on here that we haven't yet posted on? We'd like to invite our readers to share any comments with us by having them e-mailed to us. You can expect that we'll be answering them personally...and if there's a post that garners a large number of similar-type comments, we will be sure to dedicate a post to address them here. With that said, we look forward to hearing from you!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Updating You on a Few Matters

To remind you of the reason why we moved across the street to 140 Valley, it was so that an earthquake retrofit could be done, in addition to the second floor being made ADA accessible to all City Hall visitors, and a 100+ seated capacity Community Room/Council Chambers.
The Citizens Academy heard a presentation from the City's Community Development Dept. last night where Director Bill Prince provided an overview of the department and the laws and regulations the department works well as informed participants about the role the Planning Commission has in assisting City Council with recommendations on ordinances and policies. Both of these tie in with the development of the General Plan (they're currently working on the last Circulation element, which City Council will take up afterwards). Tim Tune, Senior Planner (who has worked for the City for over 20 years!), then gave his presentation on the Brisbane Municipal Code. You can be sure the Planning Dept. is well-informed on the City's codes, regulations, and policies! Did you know that in Brisbane's General Plan, there are over 900 different policies? (For a perspective, So. San Francisco has approximately 300 in theirs).
Mark your calendars, as the Tunnel Ave. Bridge Dedication Ceremony is coming up Saturday, Nov. 3rd at 11:00 a.m. We'll be meeting at the park-n-ride lot, so join us for one collector car-themed celebration (yes, we're pulling out all the stops to ensure this monumental event carries with it its own unique Brisbane flair!)
Friday, October 12, 2007
When It Rains, It Pours.
Congratulations to Luc Del Chiaro (6
This past Thursday, the spotlight was on the Department of Public Works, as it was their turn to make their presentation before the Citizens Academy. Participants were informed about the roles of the department's Director/City Engineer, Senior and Associate

Open House is taking place next Saturday, Oct. 20th at the Brisbane Fire Station. Join us between 10:00am - 2:00pm as we celebrate Fire Service Day, with station tours, engine displays, fire safety & prevention activities, and an overall FUN afternoon!
And last but not least, we wanted to inform the community that the pool will be closed this weekend due to boiler failure. The pool will re-open Monday morning, where we'll be daily monitoring the temperature of the water and keeping the pool open, so long as the water temperature doesn't dip too low. Maintenance is expected to be completed by next Wednesday or Thursday. Please check back here for updates. We apologize for this inconvenience, but ask that you please bear with us. We are working as swiftly as possible to make sure this well-loved facility is available again soon for the community's enjoyment. Thank you.
Friday, October 05, 2007
3 Days of Community Fun

Friday, September 28, 2007
Here, and Ready to Serve You

Want to know more about these departments, and others? Be a part of the Citizens Academy, currently running in its second week this year. One evening a week, departments take turns providing a hands-on overview of City government to community members. The goal of hosting the Citizens Academy is to involve and engage people in learning about and understanding the operation of City government, as well as improve communication between the City and those who live and work in Brisbane. The Citizens Academy opened with the City Clerk, Sheri Schroeder, providing a background of her job and how it ties together the coordination of all City records, preparing and maintaining actions of the City Council, and administering all election tasks required for Municipal Elections.
This past week’s session focused on the Parks and Recreation Department, including the Brisbane Marina.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
First Swearing-In Ceremony at New City Hall Location
North County Firefighters come and show support for their newest addition.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Have you Heard?

Entrance from Valley Dr., located nearly directly across from City Hall's current space.
If traveling on foot to see us from Central Brisbane, be sure to use the new crosswalk!

Due to the move, City Hall will be closed Friday the 21st and Monday, the 24th. For any non-emergency calls during those two days, please call 508-2100, being sure to leave a message for us so that we can get back to you. In case of emergency, please call Police Dispatch at 467-1212. Our mailing address of 50 Park Place will remain the same. We will re-open on Tuesday, the 25th, where we'll be looking forward to serving you at our new location!
A reminder that demolition work for Tunnel Ave. Bridge begins tonight, and will be taking place for the next 3 weekends, generally between the hours of 11:00 PM - 7:00 AM. This is to comply with the Caltrain raiload facilities and operations during the daytime hours. If you're interested in getting up close and personal with the City's newest structure, the west side of the bridge is now open to pedestrians.
And lastly, tomorrow morning marks one of the biggest volunteer events of the year, with it being California Coastal Clean-Up Day. Thanks to last year's 56,000 volunteers who picked up 1 million pounds of shoreline trash, California was #1 worldwide in participation and litter collected. Brisbane's clean-up location is at the Lagoon, where the event kicks off at 9:00 AM. Click here for a list of the rest of San Mateo County's clean-up locations.
Friday, September 07, 2007
A Quick Heads Up RE:
Tunnel Ave. Bridge – Demolition work over the Caltrain railroad tracks, like previous operations there, will only be allowed to occur at night. The contractor is scheduled to perform demolition activities over the track for three weekends, September 14th through 16th, 21st through 23rd, and October 5th through 7th, generally between the hours of 11: 00 PM and 7:00 AM .

Note: Once demolition is complete, the contractor will then be able to complete the grading, paving and concrete work on the east side of the bridge. So, expect the bridge to still look like a construction site through October as the sidewalks and bike lanes are installed on the east side of the bridge. The finished product will be unveiled in early November, with the City to hold a grand opening ceremony. Stay tuned!
Controlling Spartina Growth at the Lagoon – James, from San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement (on contract with the Invasive Spartina Project group), has been for the last two weeks helping to prevent the spread of the non-native cordgrass, Spartina. First introduced in the South Bay as a means to prevent erosion with its dense, mat-like growth formation, stands of the Spartina cordgrass have become established in areas of San Francisco Bay, as well as along the shoreline of the Brisbane Lagoon.
To prevent choking of the tidal mudflats, which are essential feeding and nesting grounds for bird and fish species, treating the cordgrass with an approved herbicide was a step that the San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project saw that it needed to take, in order for the Bay Area's native ecosystem to be preserved. Our community is fortunate in that the Brisbane Lagoon was one of the sites treated early on, and thus, it is highly probable that there will be very few Spartina cordgrass growing in the Lagoon in the coming year...and that its natural habitat will be restored.
Friday, August 31, 2007
A String of Current Brisbane Happenings
Tunnel Ave. Bridge is nearing completion, with the switchover to the new, seismically-sound bridge scheduled to take place in the evening of Sept. 4th, the Tuesday after the Labor Day Holiday. Please continue to use caution when driving across or nearing
Above is a computer-generated sneak peek of a newly improved Tunnel Ave. Bridge…which nearly 5,000 cars will be traversing, most of them heading to or from their workplaces, and back to their…
Homes are now being built at

Because of lower utility and maintenance costs, the residential units are expected to be more affordable than those in other buildings. Of the 15 residential units, one unit will be constructed so as to be fully accessible for persons with disabilities. The sales prices for two units will be restricted in perpetuity so as to maintain their affordability for a low-income household and a moderate-income household (as set by the California Department of Housing and Community Development for
Weather in
Missing!! The bronze raccoon statue from from development. But the statue had a dual purpose, in that it was also a means for young people to have a piece of local art to call their own.
The Brisbane Police Department is offering a reward of up to a $500.00 for the arrest and prosecution of the person(s) responsible for taking, what had become, a
Friday, August 24, 2007
What Dreams May Come

Many Americans today liken the American Dream with home ownership. However, with the cost of land in the Bay Area having skyrocketed in the past few decades, and spaces to build upon few and far between, the American Dream has become more of a distant reality for more and more families wishing to purchase their own home. But thanks to a partnership with Peninsula Habitat for Humanity, dedicated to providing local hard-working, low-income families the opportunity to break the cycle through an affordable homeownership program, seven homes have been completed in the community, one of which happens to be the 100th Habitat home in all of San Mateo County.
To celebrate the completion of the 100th Habitat home being built in San Mateo County, Peninsula Habitat for Humanity will be hosting a dedication ceremony and rally to thank the City and community of Brisbane as well as its many sponsors and partners who helped make the project possible. Other Habitat families from around the Bay (who have invested a tremendous effort into their dreams with 500 hours of “sweat equity”), will also be coming to help celebrate this milestone…and you can be assured that they all know what it takes to succeed in obtaining their American Dream.
When: Saturday, September 8, 2007 @ 10:00 AM
Where: 15 Glen Park Way, Brisbane, CA
Master of Ceremonies: Spencer Christian, Co-host of “The View From the Bay” and weather forecaster for San Francisco’s ABC7 News at 6 and previously with "Good Morning America"
Parking and shuttle service provided by Brisbane City Hall –
Friday, August 17, 2007
Brisbane's New Wheels

Three months ago,
If you also would like to help out your community by using the Cargobike to pick up litter (and at the same time get in a good workout!), then please call Russ Carmick at 508-2143.
Friday, August 10, 2007
And the Beat Goes On...
The fiesta continues tonight, starting at 5:45 PM, with Latin Safari. Grab a towel, and perhaps a friend and some eats, and make a night of it!
Click here for the rest of the Concert Series lineup, taking place every Friday night through Sept. 7th.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Vandalism at Crocker Park Trail

Saturday, July 28, 2007
One Step Closer
Make that a critical step closer. This morning's emergency evacuation drill was successful in pointing out the intricacies behind evacuating the residents on Kings Rd., and pinpointed areas that can be improved upon. That is the reason why drills such as this are conducted - so that all of the response teams are able to get a feel for what a real-life emergency in Brisbane will look like...and what it takes for efforts to be coordinated as seamlessly as possible. The lives and safety of the community are the primary goals for all those involved in today's drill, so we want to say a great big thank you to everyone who helped in their own capacities to make this first emergency evacuation drill in Brisbane a successful one. We look forward to an even more robust evacuation drill, already being discussed, for next year. We hope the Brisbane community will share in this same sense of expectancy...not only because lives are on the line, but because it's your responsibility!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Emergency Evacuation Drill TOMORROW
American Red Cross 3-Day Emergency Preparedness Kit
Read more about what's happening in Brisbane by checking out the City News, now available on the City's website.Friday, July 20, 2007
Swimming Safely at the Community Pool

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Upcoming City Council Meeting to Discuss Six Subareas

Come out and learn about the land use policies and programs found in your city's General Plan. We hope to see you at the Community Center at 7:30 PM this coming Monday!
Friday, July 06, 2007
DRAFT Library Needs Assessment Conducted
The new library facility will be located on City-owned property on Visitacion Ave., with funding and timing yet to be determined. The library is currently open Monday-Thursday 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Friday 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM and Saturday 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Click here for the library’s current calendar of events.