But that's not to say the City hasn't had its share of sunnier days, especially this past week. 700 people came out for the Day in the Park festival last Saturday, with 300 spectators for the Soap Box Derby, which has been a Brisbane tradition since the 1940s. It was the perfect blend of fine weather, music, entertainment, and eats (did you happen to try one of the Lion's tri-tip sandwiches?) Below are a few snapshots of the day, which included extravagant face-painting, wonderment with Uron from the K-9 Unit, a myriad of vendor booths, and of course, derby cars that whizzed by a throng of cheering spectators.
Congratulations to Luc Del Chiaro (6-9 yrs. class, sponsored by Brisbane Hardware) and Joshua Stone (10-14 yrs. class, sponsored by F.W. Spencer & Son, Inc.) who competed among a group of 30 Derby racers. And a great big THANK YOU to the Community Groups and Sponsors, whose hard work and support made this year’s Day in the Park festival truly, the best yet!
This past Thursday, the spotlight was on the Department of Public Works, as it was their turn to make their presentation before the Citizens Academy. Participants were informed about the roles of the department's Director/City Engineer, Senior and Associate Civil Engineers, Public Works Inspector, and the Operations & Maintenance Division (covering the 3 areas of Water, Sewer, and Buildings & Grounds). The Citizens Academy was also informed about the process of grant funding, the current capital improvement projects being undertaken, community outreach regarding Tunnel Ave. Bridge, the pavement management program, and ongoing/future efforts for the Office of Emergency Services (OES).
Open House is taking place next Saturday, Oct. 20th at the Brisbane Fire Station. Join us between 10:00am - 2:00pm as we celebrate Fire Service Day, with station tours, engine displays, fire safety & prevention activities, and an overall FUN afternoon!
And last but not least, we wanted to inform the community that the pool will be closed this weekend due to boiler failure. The pool will re-open Monday morning, where we'll be daily monitoring the temperature of the water and keeping the pool open, so long as the water temperature doesn't dip too low. Maintenance is expected to be completed by next Wednesday or Thursday. Please check back here for updates. We apologize for this inconvenience, but ask that you please bear with us. We are working as swiftly as possible to make sure this well-loved facility is available again soon for the community's enjoyment. Thank you.
Welcome to the City of Brisbane's Official Blog! It's our hope that you'll utilize this site to receive timely information from the City. Check back often, as we plan to update the blog with new posts every week. Or, send an e-mail to cityhall@ci.brisbane.ca.us and get on the list to have the blog e-mailed to you whenever it's updated. With that, happy reading!
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