Monday, January 29, 2007
Help Preserve San Bruno Mountain
Friday, January 26, 2007
Events Scheduled to Sweep Through Brisbane…
Also, plan on attending this coming Monday’s meeting at the Community Center (7:30 pm) where the topic of discussion will be updating the Local Economic Development chapter of the City’s General Plan. Learn about your City’s Tax Base and General Fund Revenues, Employment Opportunities, Environment & Natural Resources, and which of these areas Staff recommends for Council to review as this second elective chapter of
Lastly, several guest speakers have committed to join the City during this time where updates to the General Plan are being made. We are excited to have them share with us their expertise regarding some highly relevant issues…of which include the 3 E’s of Sustainability – economics, environment, and social equity. You may want to mark your calendars for these dates…
2/13: Solo Presentation with John Crompton, Professor of
3/12: Panel discussion on alternative energy systems
Paul Fenn, Local Power
George Wagner, Vice-President, Wind Harvest
3/22: Panel discussion on the economics of development
John Murphy, Senior Resident Fellow, ULI
Michael Cohen, San Francisco Redevelopment Agency
Speakers Forum.
Friday, January 19, 2007
General Plan Update to Kick Off at this Monday’s Council Meeting
For the next 3 months or so until the end of April, Staff will be meeting with the City Council on non-regular business Council Mondays. The purpose of these meetings will be to mainly receive direction from Council as chapters to the General Plan are brought up to date. Citizen involvement during this process is also strongly encouraged, with Monday’s (1/22) meeting focusing on “Community Character”, one of two elective chapters
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Quarry's Current Quandary

Photo Courtesy of San Bruno Mountain Watch
But the City is aware that there are two basic scenarios that can occur regarding the future of the Brisbane Quarry. The first would be that the property owner decides to sell the land, which could potentially lead to an application for additional commercial space, similar to that of Crocker Industrial Park. The second scenario would be for the property owner to keep the land, and that the site would continue to operate as a quarry, with the County likely re-issuing the property owners a permit to do so. If the latter scenario were to take place, the same issues felt by citizens today such as pollution and truck traffic would remain as relevant concerns, but the benefit would be that no new development would occur. This would ensure that native and endangered plant species would not be threatened by the construction of large office buildings, and that no additional traffic would arise due to a heightened population of business park employees. Whatever the property owner decides, it will remain the chief concern of the City that Brisbane residents and businesses continue to be given the highest level of service, respect, and care.
** Temperatures are expected to drop to the 20s and 30s tonight and tomorrow. Visit the City’s OES page to find out how you can protect yourself and your family during these extreme cold-weather conditions. **
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Opting for a New Schedule in the New Year
The Council is aware of the vast measure of opportunities that lay in store for the City, and therefore wish to dedicate more consideration to the important issues that will be affecting future generations in Brisbane to come. If you wish to subscribe to the City’s Agenda E-Mail list, e-mail Sheri, our City Clerk, and she’ll be sure to add you ( You will then receive Agendas - that resemble the below graphic - in your inbox 72 hours before the meeting is scheduled to take place.