The following comprises a few special events and announcements we’d like to bring to your attention:
For all of next week, May 20-26, cities and various agencies across the nation will be celebrating National Public Works Week 2007. Instituted as a public education campaign by the American Public Works Association in 1960, National Public Works Week calls attention to the importance of public works in community life. Without clean running water, effective storm drains and sewers, sturdy roads and bridges, safe building codes, etc. – there wouldn’t be a foundation upon which to build our communities. Therefore, make sure to stop and take a moment to recognize the contributions which public works officials make every day for our health, safety, comfort, and quality of life, and then make an effort to show some appreciation to your Public Works crew!
Brisbane is facing the challenge of maintaining its small-town character while surrounding cities and suburbs are undergoing extreme levels of growth, but we are fortunate to have an ally that can be of assistance during this process. State Senator Leland Yee will be in attendance at this Monday’s Council meeting (5/21), so plan to be present as well!
One of the items on the agenda for Monday’s City Council meeting is in regards to an urgency ordinance for moratorium on formula retail stores in downtown Brisbane. This ordinance, which Council instructed staff to prepare during the 4/16 Council meeting in order to develop a long-term solution for retail within Brisbane, covers Visitacion Ave., parts of San Bruno Ave., and the Brisbane Village shopping center districts. The passage of this ordinance would not allow for any formula, or chain, stores to be established during the period of moratorium (45 days). Staff has already prepared an ordinance providing for an extension, which will be presented at the 6/18 Council meeting. If adopted with a 4/5ths vote, this ordinance would allow the extension to be effective for one year.
And lastly, Bike to Work Day proved to be a huge success, with an estimated 100,000 cyclists participating in this 13th annual event! Kudos to all you bikers out there!
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