The Community Pool will be closed this Saturday and Sunday, 10/20-21, with the repair-work finishing up to fix the pool's boiler. The good news though, is that the pool will be
back open on Monday the 22nd...operating at its regular hours, and hopefully at a much more friendly temperature. Again, thank you to the community for your cooperation, and we deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
To remind you of the reason why we moved across the street to 140 Valley, it was so that an earthquake retrofit could be done, in addition to the second floor being made ADA accessible to all City Hall visitors, and a 100+ seated capacity Community Room/Council Chambers.

The construction company will be mobilizing to City Hall this Monday, setting up a temporary fence at the Park Place entrance
(please visit City Hall at 140 Valley if you need police assistance, so that can quickly contact an officer for you). And for
all Dog Park visitors, please follow the signs and
enter in through the west entrance on Park LANE. Thank you very much for your cooperation!
Citizens Academy heard a presentation from the City's Community Development Dept. last night where Director Bill Prince provided an overview of the department and the laws and regulations the department works well as informed participants about the role the Planning Commission has in assisting City Council with recommendations on ordinances and policies. Both of these tie in with the development of the General Plan (they're currently working on the last Circulation element, which City Council will take up afterwards). Tim Tune, Senior Planner (who has worked for the City for over 20 years!), then gave his presentation on the
Brisbane Municipal Code. You can be sure the Planning Dept. is
well-informed on the City's codes, regulations, and policies! Did you know that
in Brisbane's General Plan, there are over 900 different policies? (For a perspective, So. San Francisco has approximately 300 in theirs).
Mark your calendars, as the
Tunnel Ave. Bridge Dedication Ceremony is coming up
Saturday, Nov. 3rd at 11:00 a.m. We'll be meeting at the park-n-ride lot, so join us for one collector car-themed celebration (yes, we're pulling out all the stops to ensure this monumental event carries with it its own unique
Brisbane flair!)