This past Saturday, over 50 Brisbane residents, along with the CEVs, Mayor and councilmembers, City Manager, Brisbane PD, firefighters representing Station 81, North County Fire Authority, and CAL Fire, as well as City Hall staff, gathered at 9:00 am at the Sierra Point Yacht Club (located at the Brisbane Marina) for what would unfold to be a very lively discussion of last Sunday's fire and evacuation.

Over the course of 1 and 1/2 hours, an overview of the fire and the strategy used to successfully

attack it was presented by Fire Chief Ron Myers, followed by a question-answer time with community members bringing forth ideas regarding everything from the importance of maintaining a defensible space around one's personal property, to the felt desire for more information in the wake of an emergency. The City is working to strengthen its Emergency Response Plan to account for all the various suggestions which have been brought to the table, and welcome any more you may have. A reminder to
sign up to receive instant updates from San Mateo County ALERT if you haven't already done is right now the
fastest way for you to receive up-to-the-second emergency information...and not just that which pertains to Brisbane, but any jurisdiction(s) of your choosing.
Thanks to all who made it out to personally express their comments, concerns, and compliments for a job well done...and for Christie's and Jamba Juice for helping to keep 'em coming!
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