All of these meetings and discussions are to ensure the community has plenty of opportunities to weigh in and provide their ideas and desires for the Baylands. The City Council is planning to choose a Community Alternative at their July 20th meeting. This community-based alternative will be the result of countless public meetings, which began in February of 2007 when the City Council established the Community Alternatives Process at their February 20, 2007 meeting. The Community Alternative will then be studied in greater detail in the Baylands Environmental Impact Report (EIR), along with the developer's proposed alternative. Determining a Community Alternative on July 20th that will be studied in-depth will help facilitate the City's goal of publishing a draft EIR for the Baylands Specific Plan by the end of 2009.
Then on the following night, Tuesday 6/23, the Council will be having a Budget Hearing which will include:
- viewing a Cost of Services Study for the Parks and Recreation Dept.
- reviewing the City's Fee Schedule, and
- considering a 3% increase to determine future water and sewer rates
To view the staff reports for these items, please click here.
And now, calling all teens!
Starting tonight and continuing every Friday through August 14th, the Teen Center Program will be hosting an Open Gym at Lipman Middle School (1 Solano Ave.). Come from 3:oopm - 7:00pm to enjoy basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, and other fun games! For more info call the Teen Center at 468-6467.Oh, and it gets better.
The Teen Center Program will be hosting a double feature every Thursday at the Community Center. Movies and popcorn are free to middle school and high school-aged youth, with movies shown at 4:00 and 6:00pm. Kicking off the first week will be "Twilight" at 4:00pm and "Transformers" at 6:00pm.
It's sure starting to feel like summer in Brisbane! Enjoy the beautiful weather and participate in all the City has to offer!
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