State Assemblymember Jerry Hill was at City Hall on Monday to

League representatives sort through the public's questions for the candidates.

Richard Borghello, President of Sunset Scavenger Company and also head of the Chamber's Board of Directors, welcomes the community to the Forum.

The candidates, ready to start the Forum with their 3-minute introductions.

It was handshakes all around at the conclusion of the Forum.
Don't forget to cast your votes for your next Brisbane City Council on November 3rd!
The winter rains will be here before we know it, and the City has some programs to get the community ready for the El Niño conditions that are being anticipated for this year. One of those is the Adopt-A-Drain program, an on-going program which has more than fifty volunteers helping to maintain catch basins around town. Their efforts greatly minimize the threat of flooding in town and pollutant discharges to the Bay. With there being over 400 catch basins in the city, there is room for you to help! If you would like to sign up to adopt a drain, please contact Matthew Fabry at 415-508-2134 or mfabry@ci.brisbane.ca.us. Oh, and did we mention the free rake you'll receive when you do so? So sign up for the Adopt-A-Drain program today - the City greatly appreciates your efforts to prevent flooding and protect stormwater quality!
Happy participants of the City's Adopt-A-Drain program.
Stay tuned for more environmentally-progressive things the City will soon be implementing!
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