Well, when it comes to aiplanes flying overhead, we'd rather not have heard it in the first place. Unfortuantely, noise generated by airplanes flying over Brisbane has become more frequent than in years past. While the authority to control aircraft movements at airports lies solely with the FAA, airports can recommend the use of certain runways for noise abatement purposes through the development of runway use programs. Therefore, it is imperative that you
contact the SFO Aircraft Noise Abatement Office the next time you hear a plane flying overhead, as they are the link between the public and the airline operators. You can do so in one of two ways: 1.) calling the
local hotline (650) 821-4736, also Toll Free (877) 206-8290; or 2.) sending an
e-mail to sfo.noise@flysfo.com. Thanks for your efforts in helping reduce airport/aircraft noise in Brisbane!
You should have seen the Census 2010 form come through your mailbox in the last week. Have you filled it out and mailed it back? Well if you haven't, or have questions, Roxana Griggs, Brisbane resident, is here to help. For the next month, she will be at City Hall (50 Park Place) sitting at a table in the front lobby to assist residents in filling out the 10-question form. She will be at the Census Questionnaire Assistance Center Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 10am-1pm and Wednesdays 4pm-7pm. Come by and see her, as she's more than happy to help answer all your Census inquiries.
A lot of noise is currently being made about the 2010 Census, as more than $400 billion in federal funds are awarded to states and communities based on Census data. That's more than $4 trillion over the 10 year life of the data! So, you can see why the Census is such a big deal, especially in these times.

To help encourage San Mateo County residents to "Get Out the Count", a special kick-off event is planned for this Saturday, 11am-1pm at the Redwood City Courthouse Square. At "California Be Counted Day", you'll be sure to find music and dancing performances, fun activities for kids, giveaways, and Census information and biligual help tables. This event to mark the decennial Census is sponsored by the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, the San Mateo County Complete Count Committee, and the U.S. Census Bureau. Enjoy the weather this weekend by coming to celebrate this special Census kick-off event...cause if you miss it, you'll have to wait another 10 years!

Lastly, there has been interest shown in residents joining the
Open Space & Ecology Committee, but we're still looking for more applicants to fill the
two open seats. So if you've ever volunteered at a Habitat Restoration Day, or are interested in issues such as natural resource conservation, recycling/solid waste reduction issues, and wetlands preservation, you may want to consider submitting an
application to Sheri Spediacci by e-mail at
cityclerk@ci.brisbane.ca.us, faxing it to (415) 467-4989, or just stopping in with it at City Hall. Your ideas could really make a difference in Brisbane!