Another accomplishment that Bill had during his tenure was recruiting John Sweicki as Principal Planner for the City. John will be assuming the reins as Interim Director upon Bill's departure and we look forward to him bringing his expertise and familiarity with the issues the City is currently faced with to the table. Congratulations to both Bill and John, for your model of leadership and your willingness to step up and on to new things!
Also in transition during this time are the various City Commissions and Committees. For one, the new Planning Commission met this past Thursday, welcoming Karen Cunningham and Dave Reinhardt. They join Commissioners Theresa Maturo, Jameel Munir (Haji), and Carolyn Parker. Cris Hart was appointed to the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission, where he will be serving alongside Renee Marmion (Chair), Linda Almeida, Bonnie Bologoff, and Mike De La Torre.
If you have ever wanted to serve your community in a public capacity, the opportunity can still be yours! The City is looking for residents to serve on the Open Space & Ecology Committee. The City's various Committees and Commissions are integral to the progression of the City, helping move the community's interests and projects forward. For instance, the Open Space & Ecology Committee aids in the acquisition, planning, and monitoring of open space as one of their focus areas.
If the above interests you at all, then consider applying for a seat on the Open Space & Ecology Committee. It's easy to apply - just fill out and return the application to Sheri Spediacci, City Clerk at 50 Park Place, Brisbane, or e-mail it to her at cityclerk@ci.brisbane.ca.us.

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