The Mountain is green and lush, the wildflowers are blooming...springtime is definitely in the air!

But you know what they say about spring...and namely about the month of April. (April showers bring May flowers!). Rain is expected for Sunday around mid-day, but at this point,
Streets Alive is still on! The event starts at 10am and will be filled with performances by class instructors, blood pressure screenings by Seton, FREE recipebooks handed out by our own Brisbane firefighters, lots of giveaways from the Census and Bike to Work Day volunteers, and FREE FOOD! Before the event even happens (because there is the possibility that it could be canceled due to the weather), we wanted to thank the Public Works crew for helping to close the street and mapping out a traffic control plan to ensure the roadways stay safe, Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission and City Council for their ideas and support for the event, facilities attendants for helping with set-up and clean-up, Cris Hart, PB&R Commissioner for his help getting the sound equipment together, Recreation Supervisor Russ for getting all the signage printed up, and the residents in the community who are volunteering their time to man tables and help with set-up! It's true that many hands make light work! So if the sun's shining at 10am, come on down to the corner of Visitacion & San Francisco for what will ensue to be a fun-filled afternoon...and hopefully, sans the rain!

Now we have blogged a number of times about the
2010 Census, but it is for good reason. Did you know that for every person that turns in their Census, that's an additional $1,694 that the community gets, per year! And if you need a bit more incentive, you can text 738674 from your smartphone (or any phone which has a web browser), with "SV" in the message box. You'll get a message back offering you to take the "Be Counted" challenge - download the link, pledge to return your Census, and get access to 24 songs for free on iTunes! And if you just want to turn in a form, but misplaced yours, there are more available at City Hall (they're also available in 6 other languages!).
The deadline to turn in your Census is April 19th. If you haven't turned it in by then, then a Census enumerator will come knocking on your door...and may return up to
6 times. So go on...and
get those forms in!
Below are some upcoming events to watch out for (with more info. on each coming in the next couple weeks):
- 4/29 - Habitat Restoration Day at Costanos Canyon
- 5/4 - Bike Safety workshop held in the Community Center (250 Visitacion Ave., below the Library)
- 5/13 - Bike to Work Day
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