The City Council usually convenes every other week to discuss the City's business, but next week is an exception.
Next Monday, May 24th, the City Council will be receiving an informational presentation from Brisbane Baylands landowner Universal Paragon Corporation (UPC) on their updated project description for the Baylands Specific Plan. It should be stated that no action will be taken Monday night by the City Council; the purpose of this special meeting is to just receive the presentation by UPC and take public comment.
The community has invested considerable time and energy on the process to date, which has been ongoing for more than 5 years and involved over 50 public meetings of various types, including community meetings, public workshops, stakeholder interviews, speaker presentations, open houses, City Council meetings, and various City board and commission meetings. Come to City Hall (50 Park Place) at 7:30PM and join your City Council and fellow community members in viewing the presentation and afterwards providing your input.
A reminder about tomorrow morning's Emergency Evacuation Drill at 9am. Should you hear a helicopter flying overhead, that would be CAL FIRE's chopper which has, in previous years, come on the scene to add to the simulation. For more information about the Drill, see the previous blog post, or click

Taking place directly after the Drill and debrief for the annual Wildland Fire Evacuation Drill will be an
Open House at the Teen Center. Skate on over to the Teen Center (22 San Bruno Ave.)
between noon and 4pm to check out the new and improved facility, and enjoy a fun day of food and activities.
Next Friday, May 28th, Mission Blue Center (475 Mission Blue Dr.) will be the site for Brisbane's BEST/PTO's very first, District-wide, "Spring Thing!"

For more information on this fun-filled evening, including ways to donate to the Brisbane School District, click
And last but not least, Brisbane Artist Beth Grossman - organizer for the
Arts Evening of Sharing - has taken her show on the road.

Beth will be debuting her latest exhibit, "All the rest is commentary..." at the
JCC in Manhattan. Congratulations to Beth on this achievement, and we wish her the best!
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