And since we were on planning, here's something else. On this Monday's City Council agenda is further consideration of the draft Brisbane 2006-2014 Housing Element.
The Housing Element is one of seven required elements of the General Plan and is the blueprint for future housing within the City. State law requires that the Housing Element be updated approximately every 7 years, and the City process for the adopting a Housing Element for 2006-2014 has been ongoing since 2006. Numerous workshops before the Planning Commission and City Council in 2009 allowed for a thorough discussion of the draft Housing Element.
The major unresolved issue the City Council will be discussing again this coming Monday is the identification of potential sites to accommodate Brisbane’s “fair share” of regional housing (401 units) as determined through the State’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) process. Once the City Council makes a recommendation on this issue the draft Housing Element will be submitted to the State of California for review. Only after the state’s comments have been received will the Housing Element be scheduled form formal adoption.
Some just couldn't contain their excitement after receiving the first of many diplomas to come.
The graduating class of 2010 with their teacher and her dedicated assistants, Marcela Martinez and Linda Gallegos behind them.
To aid in the continued development of essential team-building, organizational, and leadership skills, lies the Brisbane Youth Advisory Committee (YAC). Committee members have the important duty of advising the Parks & Recreation Commission and Recreation staff as to the concerns and interests of the youth and teens in the Brisbane community. Applications for 2010/11 are due to Recreation Supervisor and YAC Advisor Steve Beaty by July 31, 2010. E-mail Steve at sbeaty@ci.brisbane.ca.us to request an application form or call him at 508-2144 if you have questions about the Committee.
Wondering how you can stay involved with your community even after you've donned your last cap and gown? Well one of the ways is attending the Brisbane Police Department's Town Hall Meeting they're hosting at City Hall this coming Monday, June 14th. This is a great opportunity to meet the officers and to bring up any questions, comments, or concerns that you would like to address with the Police Department. The meeting will be held in the Community Meeting Room and starts at 7:00pm. So come and meet your BPD officers...open communication is vital to a healthy community!
The weather's supposed to heat up to the mid-80s this weekend...so you know what that means. You'll want to be near the water! Spend Saturday June 12th, or anytime between 10:00am - 4:00pm, at the Brisbane Marina as they take part in National Marina Day....which will be full of great entertainment, food, and giveaways! The Department of Boating and Waterways will be on-hand to give away free boater kits in nice duffel bags, and you'll have a chance to throw your name in a hat to win a 3-day, 2-night trip for four to Orlando, FL, with airfare and lodging at a Walt Disney World Resort, a guided bass fishing excursion on the lakes of a Walt Disney World Resort and four 1-day passes to the Walt Disney World Theme Park! So be sure to bring your family and friends down to the Marina and enjoy a beautiful day at the Brisbane Marina!
And lastly, a friendly reminder that sign-ups for the City-Wide Yard Sale (Sat., 7/17) are due by July 9th. Come by City Hall or stop by the Library to pick up a registration form!
Feeling like a sweet treat to start the weekend? Well if you haven't already heard...every first Friday in June marks National Donut Day, honoring the women of the Salvation Army, known as "Lassies", who delivered home-cooked food and treats to the men fighting on the front lines during WWI. It's said that the first donuts were cooked in oil in the metal helmet of an American soldier. So whether or not you feel it's your "duty" to honor those who served our country by picking up a donut...participating locations may be giving them away for free in celebration of National Donut Day. What a deal!
Welcome to the City of Brisbane's Official Blog! It's our hope that you'll utilize this site to receive timely information from the City. Check back often, as we plan to update the blog with new posts every week. Or, send an e-mail to cityhall@ci.brisbane.ca.us and get on the list to have the blog e-mailed to you whenever it's updated. With that, happy reading!