After 39 years dedicated to public safety and policing services, Brisbane Police Chief of 22 years, Tom Hitchcock, will be recognized at a reception prior to this Monday night's City Council meeting (June 28, 2010). After formal presentations and comments given by the City Manager and City Council, a reception will take place in the lobby of the Community Meeting Room, extending over into the Public Works/Planning Counter area of City Hall. There will be plenty of light refreshments, so please come and congratulate Tom on his retirement and help him celebrate this special milestone in his life!
Removal of striping on Brisbane roadways has been ongoing over the past week, as
contractors get ready to begin slurry sealing on certain streets Monday, June 28th.
However, not all slurry sealing in town is going to be completed on this day - streets where work will be taking place will be notified to remove their cars a few days in advance of that specific day (see photos below). Once your street is slurry-sealed and cleared of traffic control and equipment, you're welcome to move your car back to its spot.

Residents on these streets have been notified with these yellow door hangers which contractors have posted, along with these A-frame "No Parking" signs, indicating the day that slurry sealing will be taking place on their street.

Earlier this morning, Public Works Inspector Greg Morris checked in with contractors performing the removal of roadway striping to make sure work is progressing as planned.

Speaking of planning, the Public Works Dept. has coordinated with garbage/recycling removal company, South San Francisco Scavengers, to make sure trash pick-up services are not disrupted. No slurry sealing has been scheduled, then, for Thursday or Friday, when garbage is regularly picked up in town. So, please proceed as you normally would and have your trash out by 5:00am the day your trash would normally be picked up. And please be sure not to park on the street the day slurry sealing will be taking place, so as to ensure that work can be done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Thanks for your cooperation and patience in the City making sure your roadways are safe and nicely resurfaced!
And since we were on planning, here's something else. On this Monday's City Council agenda is further consideration of the draft Brisbane 2006-2014 Housing Element.
The Housing Element is one of seven required elements of the General Plan and is the blueprint for future housing within the City. State law requires that the Housing Element be updated approximately every 7 years, and the City process for the adopting a Housing Element for 2006-2014 has been ongoing since 2006. Numerous workshops before the Planning Commission and City Council in 2009 allowed for a thorough discussion of the draft Housing Element.
The major unresolved issue the City Council will be discussing again this coming Monday is the identification of potential sites to accommodate Brisbane’s “fair share” of regional housing (401 units) as determined through the State’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) process. Once the City Council makes a recommendation on this issue the draft Housing Element will be submitted to the State of California for review. Only after the state’s comments have been received will the Housing Element be scheduled form formal adoption.
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