All official participants will be listed in the City-Wide Yard Sale Directory, which will include a map of the City and the addresses of each registered seller. The Friends of the Library will send out press releases and list the sale in several local newspapers. On the day of the sale, volunteers will be present at the intersection of Visitacion & and San Bruno distributing the directory.
Registrations must be received by July 9th in order to be printed in the directory. After you register, you will receive a flyer filled with helpful information, including useful tips and creative suggestions on how to have a successful yard sale, in addition to an official Sponsor of the Brisbane Library sign to post at your site.
July 17th is sure to be a fun day for the entire community. The Brisbane Lions Club will host a BBQ in the Community Park on the day of the sale and the Humane Society will be bringing their mobile pet adoption clinic to the Library (250 Visitacion Ave). So take some time to consider participating in this fun-filled event...it's a great way to support the Library and to make a little extra money at the same time. Remember to submit a registration form to the Friends of the Library (forms are located at the Library or at City Hall) by July 9th for the entrance deal of $15.

Feeling like a sweet treat to start the weekend? Well if you haven't already heard...every first Friday in June marks National Donut Day, honoring the women of the Salvation Army, known as "Lassies", who delivered home-cooked food and treats to the men fighting on the front lines during WWI. It's said that the first donuts were cooked in oil in the metal helmet of an American soldier. So whether or not you feel it's your "duty" to honor those who served our country by picking up a donut...participating locations may be giving them away for free in celebration of National Donut Day. What a deal!
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