A reminder that tomorrow,
Saturday the 24th, marks
two important events. One, the
community workshop to redesign the Bayshore Caltrain station is taking place at the Community Center in Brisbane starting at 10am. The other, the first week of the Cow Palace Farmers' Market, beginning at 9am and going through 1pm. Treat yourself to fresh, quality produce, seafood, dry pastas, baked goods, and premium hot foods. And if you want to go to both events, you could get there right when the farmers' market opens at 9am and come back for lunch. There will also be 3 food trucks present, with lots to nibble on at the vendor stalls. See the
previous week's post to read more about both events.

It's summertime, and what says it, or smells like it, more than BBQ? Growing Green Hands, a non-profit organization based in Brisbane is hosting a picnic in the Community Park next
Wednesday, July 28th, from 6pm - 8pm. Growing Green Hands is simply a mentoring program and they are looking for individuals who are interested in mentoring and empowering the many youth that have expressed interest in having a mentor. They will also be
hosting their first annual Community Building Family Day on Saturday, August 21st from 11am - 4pm, in the parking lot of the 23 Club (where more BBQ will be served!). The cost for the afternoon is $10. Please contact Donna Wolfe, Director of Development for Growing Green Hands, at (650) 291-2593 is you have any questions about the event.
The LED street light replacement project for the lights in town has been completed. Thank you for your patience as work was being completed during the last 2 weeks. Check out this 3 and 1/2 minute video to see just what goes into retrofitting an HPSV bulb to be LED.
Public Works will continue to review the installed lights during nighttime hours to ensure they were properly installed and aligned. Because LEDS provide a much more focused light pattern, it is important to ensure the new bulbs were installed level to prevent light “migration” to unintended areas. Again, if you have any concerns regarding the light distribution from an LED streetlight, please call the project hotline at (415) 508-2148.