It's also obvious that Lisa has a very large support base within the Brisbane community and beyond, as people were spilling out of the Community Meeting Room and into the lobby area, where it was standing room only.

The new Chief then took a few moments to address the Community, her fellow officers as well as City Hall staff, and the City Council, rotating the podium 90 degrees so that she could see everyone.

After each of the Councilmembers present expressed their congratulations to Lisa, the festivities ensued at the Public Works/Planning area within City Hall. Many individuals who grew up with Lisa in Brisbane came to congratulate their long-time friend on her most recent achievement.

Lisa, we applaud you on your new role as Police Chief and know there will be many more successes in your future!
The City Council meeting that followed Lisa's swearing-in ceremony was the last one before the Council's Summer Recess. Meetings will resume on Monday, September 13th. If you're not currently receiving electronic City Council Agendas & Minutes, please send an e-mail to cityhall@ci.brisbane.ca.us to be added to the City's Public Meeting Notification E-Mail List. You will also see blog updates come through as new entries are posted.
A final note about the slurry seal project, which is now in its final stages. New traffic striping began yesterday and will continue through July 13th. We hope you enjoy driving on Brisbane's newly-resurfaced roadways!
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