With summer quickly coming to an end, there is a lot to keep track of. We hope to help you remember some important events and dates with this post!
first Concerts in the Park starts tonight! It's a great time to catch up with friends and neighbors while taking in some catchy tunes and, not to mention, enjoying a picnic on the lawn.
Just remember to layer up!
Tomorrow, make the 2.4 mile drive over to the COW PALACE FARMERS' MARKET where there will be a GREAT selection of fresh, quality fruits, vegetables, seafood, flowers, pastries, and even kettle corn!
Just remember to bring your own bag!

A new school year will soon be underway, so
if you have high schoolers attending either Terra Nova or Oceana High School and would like them to utilize the bus to get to/from school, payment is due by September 3rd. Please see
this letter and accompanying registration form and bus rules, posted on the City's website, for more information.
Just remember to send your payment to the school account clerk at your child's high school who will continue to administer bus passes by Sept. 3rd!
And last but not least...an invitation to the Brisbane Community~
You have a choice of either grilled salmon, marinated tri-tip beef, or chicken picatta. The cost is $45 per person, and is payable by Visa, Mastercard, or check, made out to the City of Brisbane. It should be a wonderful night of celebrating Chief Hitchcock's 39 years dedicated to public safety and law enforcement. Just remember to RSVP to Sheri by Friday, August 20th!
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