Thursday, February 15, 2007

Charting Project Alternatives at the Baylands

This Tuesday, Staff will be presenting to Council the process for which project alternatives will be developed, a key component of the environmental impact report (EIR) for the Baylands Specific Plan. This process will involve extensive public input by utilizing the following methods: public workshops, meeting with stakeholder groups, public open houses, and Planning Commission/City Council workshops. The following dates will also be proposed to Council for approval:

April 9, 2007: City Council/Planning Commission Kickoff Workshop
April 30, 2007: Community Issues and Visioning Workshop

Please plan on attending and getting involved in the process early on!

Also, the City is in contact with Caltrans regarding the new 101 Southbound sign that was installed without the City’s name indicated on it (as the previous one had...see also Proposed Exit Number 426) and hope to have this issue squared away before you can say, “What, just Sierra Point Parkway??”

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