Friday, December 12, 2008

In Hopes of Creating a Sustainable Crocker Industrial Park

There is no doubt that change is imminent. The idea of change can quickly conjure up more fearful sentiments at first, but with the proper resources, thought, and planning, the fearfulness is bound to fade away, as it is replaced with actionable steps in how to move forward. And politics aside, change with a purpose is something that this City of Stars has always believed in, and fought hard for.

With 2008 drawing to a close, we find ourselves at a time in Brisbane's history that can greatly affect the future state of the City. With the economy the way that it is, even more thoughtful planning and foresight is being required than ever before. These are uncertain times, but one thing's for sure...decisions having to do with the preservation of Brisbane's community will always involve weighing all the possible alternatives. We who have come to love this place want to know for certain that future generations will also stand to benefit from all the big prospects and hopes this small town has to offer.

A part of the methodology which has become ingrained in the Brisbane Way is questioning what is right, and best for the city. That is where this idea of change becomes the most dynamic. When everything around us is changing, there is a need to start entertaining how we can stay sharp, actively pursuing that which will lend the most strength in providing for a sustainable and viable community.

As the City Council picks up the conversation regarding freight forwarding this coming Monday (12/15), this notion of sustainability and what it entails for Crocker Industrial Park is what will be at the forefront. As they review proposed changes to the Industrial Park, most notably -- current regulations which limit freight forwarder uses in Crocker Park equal to 20% of the total gross square footage of all the buildings in the Industrial Park -- the Council will entertain questions regarding whether a change in the current policy fosters 1. economic vitality, 2. if it will improve (or at least not diminish) the environment, and 3. whether it leads to social equity. For a more complete look at each of these three areas, click here and read the prepared staff report.

But before any policy is created, or changed, you can expect there to be some changes to the weather patterns first. In anticipation of a wet and rainy weekend, there have been two pallets of sand bags made available for the public at the Fire Station (3445 Bayshore Blvd.). Look for the orange cones on the left when you pull in!

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