Saturday, July 28, 2007

One Step Closer

Make that a critical step closer. This morning's emergency evacuation drill was successful in pointing out the intricacies behind evacuating the residents on Kings Rd., and pinpointed areas that can be improved upon. That is the reason why drills such as this are conducted - so that all of the response teams are able to get a feel for what a real-life emergency in Brisbane will look like...and what it takes for efforts to be coordinated as seamlessly as possible. The lives and safety of the community are the primary goals for all those involved in today's drill, so we want to say a great big thank you to everyone who helped in their own capacities to make this first emergency evacuation drill in Brisbane a successful one. We look forward to an even more robust evacuation drill, already being discussed, for next year. We hope the Brisbane community will share in this same sense of expectancy...not only because lives are on the line, but because it's your responsibility!

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