Friday, May 09, 2008

Events that M-a-y Strike Your Fancy

What else is in store for the month of May, you may ask?  Well, here are just a few things!

National Public Works Week (NPWW) is a celebration of the tens of thousands of men and women in North America who provide and maintain the infrastructure and services collectively known as public works.

Instituted as a public as a public education campaign by the American Public Works Association (APWA) in 1960, NPWW calls attention to the importance of public works in community life. The Week seeks to enhance the prestige of the often-unsung heroes of our society-the professionals who serve the public good every day with quiet dedication. Check out the video below put out by the APWA to get a sense of how your Brisbane Public Works guys (and gal!) are serving the Brisbane community on a regular basis.

Alright, perhaps the “remove the snow and ice” part not so much....but you get the point!

Last Monday, Council also approved the positions of Habitat Restoration Lead Worker and Habitat Restoration Aide, in preparation for a new program. Brisbane resident Peter Stieler was able to secure grant funding for the City to initiate a youth summer job program focused on engaging local youth in managing vegetation and restoring habitat in city-owned parks and open space, as well as provide an educational opportunity discovering the native plant species in Brisbane. While preparations are still being made to start the recruitment process for this exciting new program, the detailed job descriptions can be found by clicking here. If you are interested in applying for these positions, you will be able to soon on the Brisbane page of Call Human Resources at 508-2115 if you would like more information.

And finally, we wanted to make you aware of the the forum on Livable Communities for Successful Aging taking place in San Mateo at the Expo Center/Fairgrounds, May 30th. Between now and the year 2030, San Mateo County's health department estimates that the population of those 65+ will more than double to about 150,000 persons. The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors would like to hear from you on how best to create more livable communities during the coming decades, especially in regards to: accessible housing, ease of physical access to the broader community, and services that will continue to make living in communities along the Peninsula highly attractive to all ages. You may register for this event online, or by calling 650-363-4526.

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